Alcohol Withdrawal in Harlingen, TX

If you've heard concerned voices among friends and family telling you to be careful with your drinking, it's probable that you have an issue. The fact that you're able to hold down a great job and tend to your family is no proof of sobriety -- one in five alcoholics are the high-functioning kind who are able to do just that. If you feel fierce, defensive anger at talk about your drinking habits, you should know that it may be a sign, too. People who don't have an alcohol problem only react with mild amusement when incorrectly accused. If you're willing to come in, the alcohol addiction specialists at our center for alcohol withdrawal in Harlingen can bring to your attention other fascinating observations about the way alcoholics behave.

You do need to come in first, though. With an appointment, you can get answers to all your questions about what exactly alcoholism is, and why it affects the brain the way it does. It's a lot of fascinating information.

You'll also learn what you need to act now. Every day that you put off getting treatment makes it that much harder to get off the habit. Alcoholism settles more and more deeply in the brain. If somewhere, deep inside, you're worried about seeking treatment because it's likely to be painful, it isn't.

Not if you approach a drug and alcohol rehab run by professionals, like our center for alcohol withdrawal in Harlingen. If you find this hard to believe, here's an explanation of what happens.

Starting Alcohol Withdrawal

A number of factors influence the exact kind of treatment that you will receive -- the length of your addiction, other addictions that may exist alongside of the one to alcohol, your willingness to give up alcohol, the possibility of a mental disorder, your sensitivity to pain and discomfort, your personal level of motivation, and many others.

Treatment plans always need to be uniquely built to the needs of each patient. At our drug rehab center, we avoid one-size-fits-all alcohol withdrawal approaches in our programs for addiction treatment in Harlingen.

When you arrive at our center for alcohol withdrawal in Harlingen, then, you are greeted by an evaluation and assessment team of doctors, addiction specialists, psychologists and therapists, all of whom work together to determine the state of your addiction, and the state of your physical and mental health.

Once a thorough picture of your addiction and health become clear to the specialists, they draw up a special withdrawal and treatment plan just for you. This plan includes ideas about paths to take through treatment -- the medications that you may need through the process, the level of support that will be good for you and that you will be provided with, the kinds of therapy that you will need to help your level of motivation with the process, and the kind of nutrition and health-restoration that you will need for your general health.

If your alcoholism runs deep, if you suffer from depression, anxiety or another mental disorder, and you don't seem particularly engaged in your treatment, your assessment team will recommend inpatient alcohol withdrawal treatment.

It'll help you to stay in a safe, supportive environment with constant medical, therapeutic and emotional support. Not only do you get to stay motivated and well cared for, you get to go through alcohol withdrawal without pain.

Alcohol Withdrawal Without the Pain

if your brain is hooked on alcohol, getting it off the substance is no easy matter. When exposed to alcohol, the brain at first resists its disruptive influence. With prolonged exposure, however, the brain begins to learn to adapt to the presence of this substance. This means that the brain needs alcohol to function in a normal way.

When you stop giving the brain its alcohol afterwards, it up-ends the chemical balance that it has achieved, and sets off terrible withdrawal symptoms. These can be both painful and dangerous. About 50% of those who give up alcohol will experience these symptoms.

Alcohol withdrawal delirium is one of those effects. It affects 5% of those who attempt withdrawal. While many alcoholics will experience it in some form, the worst manifestations occur in those who have remained addicted a long time.

The team attending you will be on constant lookout for the symptoms -- an erratic heart rate, seizures and electrical abnormalities of the brain. Patients often complain of a feeling of bugs under the skin, confusion and hallucinations.

Doctors carefully treat patients with anticonvulsants, sedatives and antipsychotics. Doctors also look out for cardiac arrest, liver disease, Wernicke-Korsakoff disease and neuropathy-related nerve damage, and help with medications. It can take anything from two weeks to several months to come safely come off these effects. The closer the medical attention, the safer the process.

When you come off alcohol withdrawal treatment, you're safe only for a short time; your alcoholism can return at any minute. It's important to participate in our program for relapse prevention in Harlingen so that we can equip you to stay away from drugs.

It's important to ensure that you sign up for such treatment. It all begins with finding the right withdrawal treatment, however. Only a few rehabs for treatment for alcohol withdrawal offer high-quality, evidence-backed care.

If the description of alcohol withdrawal above seems to pique your interest, you should come and talk to one of the experts at our center for alcohol withdrawal in Harlingen. We will help you (877) 804-1531.

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